Application Process

At Victoria Gardens we work closely with our Management team, SPICE Management, to review applications and ensure you are eligible for an interview to join this Co-op. We follow the Personal Information Protection Act to ensure your privacy while submitting your financial documents and references.

Applications for 1, 2, or 3 bedroom units are accepted on an ongoing basis yet interviews are only held when a suite comes available. Below is the process to apply for membership:

Step 1. Complete an application package and mail your application to Victoria Gardens Housing Co-op. (VGHC Application Form)

Step 2. Once your application is reviewed by our Management firm you may be contacted by phone to attend an interview to be eligible for membership.

Step 3. If considered for a suite in the Co-op you need to assemble and submit the necessary financial documents to confirm minimum income requirements.

Step 4. You will be contacted with the results of your application for membership.

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